2022: one for every month

I’ve selected my favourite image from each month in 2022. Some have been the subject of the monthly reviews, some haven’t and some have been tweaked. These aren’t the best twelve images of 2022, but they do illustrate something about each of the respective months…


A late highlight was November’s trip to Cornwall, which I described here. As I commented elsewhere, it was quite a productive trip and a reminder of the majesty of the Cornish landscape. I’m pleased I made the journey and I’ll definitely be back, hopefully sooner rather than later.

There were a couple of other images that were in the running. June’s trip to Anglesey was fruitful trip that’s well worth a repeat. In common with Cornwall it’s a place that I’d not been to for at least a couple of decades and, contrary to my youthful memories, it wasn’t raining! The other was an image from October’s Glen Affric trip: in contrast to the scale of the previous two images this is a much more intimate, detail photograph.

The remaining images are, in chronological order, in the gallery below.


January: month in review


December: month in review