Isle of Skye


The beginning of October saw Helen and I return to Skye after a gap of about twelve and half years. The last time we visited, as part of Helen’s birthday celebrations, we found Skye to be almost entirely grey with no visibility beyond about 20 yards. This time we were much luckier and were able to enjoy much more of the stunning landscape. We will return…

The Storr

Many of the locations on Skye are popular and could be described as honey pot locations. Now, there is a school of photography that would pass on these locations on the basis that they’re massively over-photographed. This school of thought, however, ignores one very important fact: these are honey pot locations for a reason, and that reason is that they are stunning. The Storr is one such popular location and these images were taken on the morning we walked up to the Old Man of Storr; the final was taken a couple of days later from the Loch Fada viewpoint on our way to the Quiraing.

The Old Man of Storr. The weather was mixed, but from our viewpoint we got the sense there was good weather everywhere we weren’t…
Fujifilm X-Pro2 | 36mm f/8.0 1/400s ISO320


The Old Man of Storr from Loch Fada
Fujifilm X-T3 | 65mm f/8.0 1/100s ISO400


The Quiraing

The Quiraing is another one of the popular photographic locations, although it’s arguably less accessible being a little further north with the parking at the top of a narrow pass. The walk is also a little tougher, but in the right light the views are spectacular. Like the Storr, the Quiraing is on the east side of the island and, as such, is better photographed in the morning. The other advantage of getting their early is that both sites are popular and are quite busy later in the day.

Morning light across the Quiraing. Quite possibly one of my favourite images from the year so far…
Fujifilm X-T3 | 46mm f/5.0 1/1000s ISO400

Early morning light towards Staffin
Fujifilm X-T3 | 40mm f/8.0 1/200s ISO400


We based ourselves in Portree, the largest town on the island. Despite being busy we did find places to eat and drink of an evening and also managed a very pleasant wander around the Scorrybreac circuit

Sunrise over Loch Portree, the view from our bedroom window…
Fujifilm X-T3 | 38mm f/6.4 1/100s ISO160

Skye Locations

By no means did we manage to explore all that Skye has to offer; we’ll definitely need at least one return trip to fully explore the stunning landscapes that characterise the island. The selection here hopefully gives a flavour of the island.

Loch Scavaig. Ten shot panorama, hand-held…
Fujifilm X-T3 | 32mm f/8.0 1/250s ISO160


The Fairy Pools
Fujifilm X-T3 | 20mm f/16 0.8s ISO160


October: month in review


The Cabaret of Dangerous Ideas | Part I